AC4 - Advanced Course on Fusion Plasma Diagnostics (5 ECTS)


Course unit English denomination    

Advanced Course on Fusion Plasma Diagnostics

Teacher in charge

(if defined)

- Lidia Piron;

- other lecturers (national and international experts)

Teaching Hours


Number of ECTS credits allocated


Course period

spring/summer 2025;

Course delivery method

☒ In presence

☐ Remotely

☒ Blended

Language of instruction


Mandatory attendance

☒ Yes (% minimum of presence)

☐ No

Course unit contents

This course provides in depth introduction to the following subjects related to plasma diagnostics:

- Electromagnetic Diagnostics (Magnetic measurements, Electrostatic probes)

- Non-magnetic diagnostics (Interferometry, Polarimetry, Thomson Scattering,

Spectroscopy, Motional Stark effect, Reflectometry, Tomography)

- Diagnostics for burning plasmas

- Neutron diagnostics

- Runaway diagnostics

- Imaging diagnostics

Learning goals

The objectives of the Advanced Course on Plasma Physics of the PhD in Fusion Science and Engineering are to provide the knowledge base of magnetic confinement nuclear fusion plasmas. Students enrolled in the PhD in Fusion Science and Engineering have heterogeneous backgrounds, and this course shall develop their competences in plasma diagnostics covering the theoretical and modeling aspects as well as the experimental application and data analysis as well as design practice of fusion plasma diagnostics.


Teaching methods

- Frontal teaching

- Seminar lectures with the participation of including national and international experts plasma

- laboratory activity (if applicable)

Course on transversal, interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary skills

☒ Yes

☐ No

Available for PhD students from other courses

☒ Yes

☐ No


(not mandatory)

Basic knowledge of plasma physics (recommended)

Examination methods

(in applicable)

Two hours examination via moodle, including open questions/multiple choice questions/ numerical exercises.

Laboratory report (if applicable).

Suggested readings

I. H. Hutchinson, Principles of plasma diagnostics, Cambridge University Press (2002)

T. Donne, Chapter 7: diagnostics, in “Fundamentals of Magnetic Fusion Technology”, IAEA Non-serial Publications, Vienna (2023)

Additional information

Presentations and lesson materials will be made available in moodle.